Projects Proje
The Face that See, The Face that You See

The Face that I See,
The Face that You See

A bilingual publication in which poems are illustrated with photographs taken in various places in Asia, Africa and Europe.

Falschrum Books


Editorial Design

This publication is part of a collaborative series that brings together authors, artists, and designers from the Middle East and Europe. The aim of these co-productions is to foster dialogue and friendship across national and linguistic boundaries, through processes of translation and engagement with another’s creative work.
„The Face that I See, The Face that You See“ is a collaboration between poet Tammam Hunaidy and photographer Newsha Tavakolian. While the immediate connection between Tavakolian’s photos and Hunaidy’s poems may not be evident, both capture the essence of places affected by recent conflicts. The publication features 33 landscape photographs taken across Asia, Africa, and Europe, establishing connections with Hunaidy’s verse.

Published by
Falschrum Books

Tammam Hunaidy, Catherine Cobham, Stefan Maneval


18,5 × 26 cm


Photo of the book cover and the back cover Photo of the book cover and the back cover

The thread stitching allows the book to be opened in both directions.

Gray double page with large Arabic font in the bottom right corner and serif font in the top left corner Gray double page with large Arabic font in the bottom right corner and serif font in the top left corner
Green double page with image of a landscape and large font Green double page with image of a landscape and large font

The poems are arranged in a way that ensures Arabic reading from right to left and English reading from left to right.

Blue double page with picture of a scarecrow and sunflowers and large lettering Blue double page with picture of a scarecrow and sunflowers and large lettering
Book Book
White double page with two pictures of landscape and Text
Double-page spread with half-page image and text
Two columns of text double page
Brown double page image of a desert
Text double page
White double page with two pictures of landscape and quote
White double page with two pictures of landscape and Text
Double-page spread with half-page image and text
Two columns of text double page
Brown double page image of a desert
Text double page
White double page with two pictures of landscape and quote
Braune Doppelseite mit großer Schrift Braune Doppelseite mit großer Schrift
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